Reference manual - version orea_version
engine Directory Reference


file  amcvaluationengine.hpp
 valuation engine for amc
file  bufferedsensitivitystream.hpp
 a wrapper to buffer sensi stream records
file  decomposedsensitivitystream.hpp
 Class that wraps a sensitivity stream and decomposes equity/commodity and default risk records.
file  filteredsensitivitystream.hpp
 Class that wraps a sensitivity stream and filters out negligible records.
file  historicalpnlgenerator.hpp
 Class for generating portfolio P&Ls based on historical scenarios.
file  historicalsensipnlcalculator.hpp
 Class for generating sensi pnl.
file  historicalsimulationvar.hpp
 Perform historical simulation var calculation for a given portfolio.
file  marketriskbacktest.hpp
 bace class for all market risk backtests
file  marketriskreport.hpp
 Base class for a market risk report.
file  mporcalculator.hpp
 The cube valuation calculator interface.
file  multistatenpvcalculator.hpp
 a calculator that computes npvs for a vector of credit states
file  multithreadedvaluationengine.hpp
 multi-threaded valuation engine
file  npvrecord.hpp
 Struct for holding an NPV record.
file  observationmode.hpp
 Singleton class to hold global Observation Mode.
file  parametricvar.hpp
 Perform parametric var calculation for a given portfolio.
file  parsensitivityanalysis.hpp
 Perfrom sensitivity analysis for a given portfolio.
file  parsensitivitycubestream.hpp
 Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a par sensitivity cube.
file  parstressconverter.hpp
 Convert all par shifts in a stress test to a zero shifts.
file  parstressscenarioconverter.hpp
 Convert all par shifts in a single stress test scenario to a zero shifts.
file  riskfilter.hpp
 risk class and type filter
file  sensitivityaggregator.hpp
 Class for aggregating SensitivityRecords.
file  sensitivityanalysis.hpp
 Perform sensitivity analysis for a given portfolio.
file  sensitivitycubestream.hpp
 Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a SensitivityCube.
file  sensitivityfilestream.hpp
 Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from file.
file  sensitivityinmemorystream.hpp
 Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from in-memory container.
file  sensitivityrecord.hpp
 Struct for holding a sensitivity record.
file  sensitivityreportstream.hpp
 Class for streaming SensitivityRecords from a report.
file  sensitivitystream.hpp
 Base class for sensitivity record streamer.
file  stresstest.hpp
 perform a stress testing analysis for a given portfolio.
file  valuationcalculator.hpp
 The counterparty cube calculator interface.
file  valuationengine.hpp
 The cube valuation core.
file  varbacktest.hpp
 implementation of var backtest
file  varcalculator.hpp
 Base class for a var calculation.
file  xvaenginecg.hpp
 xva engine using cg infrastructure
file  zerotoparcube.hpp
 Class for converting zero sensitivities to par sensitivities.
file  zerotoparshift.hpp
 applies a zero scenario and return the par instrument shifts